TPACK model, a modern look on teaching!

 Hello everyone, today we will look at one of the two common teaching models used in teaching and material design. These are SAMR (Substitute-Augment-Modify-Redefine) and TPACK models. Today we will have a wider look on the TPACK model, what it is and how it works. As a bonus I will add a mindmap of the different components of the model at the end of this entry. 

TPACK model is a framework that increases lesson effectiveness through technology. The acronym stands for Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge. Already there are 3 terms to unpack there:

Content knowledge; refers to the teachers knowledge of lesson subject such as theoritical knowledge of the topic and the facts. 

Pedagogical knowledge; refers to the teachers general grasp on the pedagogical facts of the classroom environment. Specifically their classroom. The adaptations and modifications that need to be made based on students' age and level is determined by the teachers pedagogical knowledge

Technological knowledge; refers to not only the technological knowledge of the teacher but also their ability to command technology for the sake of education.

TPACK model aims to combine the three knowledges into a framework that informs increased organization and efficiency in the classroom environment. You can check out the mindmap below to see some relations between subbranches of the model and what they include down below!


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