
 Hello everyone, today we're going to look at the term "Networking"! Let's jump in.

Networking is a computer term that means the linking of computers to allow them to operate interactively. However, it is also being used to mean the action or process of interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts. Today's world is a network and the amount of connections also increases the success chance and reach of individiuals exponentially. If you have to do everything by yourself, then you will complete tasks as wide a range as your talents but if you have people with other talents who can do things for you, then naturally the amount of things you can achieve increases. This is the imporntace of networking. 

Social commentators called networking as the "most important organisational form of our time" and they describe something called "networking logic" which they claim to be a major force that will change the perception of world. Financial world is based upon connections and the richest usually are the most well connected. Moreover, networking does not only aid people financially. It can also improve one socially, technologically and educationally. 

To serve the purposes of this blog and networking, I would love to share 5 of my friends' blogs with you about instructional technologies and material design. Maybe you can learn something extra from their blogs that you couldn't find in mine. Maybe they have articulated something better than I did. Maybe they have some additional points in their post. Go check them out! 

My friends: Zeynep Buse Yağmur, Ahmet Soner Bayrak, Beyzanur Üzel, Görkem Bahçekapılı, Kristina Altuncu


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