Collaboration between UMA & IUC

Hello everyone, today I'd like to talk about a collaboration between our university and the university of Malaga in Spain.

As part of our Instructional technologies and Material Design course. Our professor Dr. Tuncer Can have managed to set up a huge collaborative project between our class and University of Malaga in spain. We were set to communicate through an e-mail group at first which quite quickly evolved into a whatsapp group. The first meeting was very fun and exciting in which we presented ourselves through a story we created. I have mentioned storybird in a previous post in this blog. You can check it out here. We even played a icebreaker game in that session. We told 2 facts about ourselves and others attempted to guess which one is correct and which one is a lie. The teleconference session was really fun.

Then we were assigned weekly tasks which pushed us to schedule multiple meetings to fit our schedule. We gathered regularly and cleared the to-do list efficently. We first dicussed our own English learning journey and the things we had the most toruble with while learning English. Then we picked a topic for our own teaching material, divide up the roles and started working on a comic book in Pixton. You should also check Pixton if you want to create a comic book for any teaching purposes. It is a really fun and easy-to-use tool. 

Finally, we have fulfilled our individual responsibilities and created our very own teaching material. You can check it out here. It is a comic book about two class mates dicussing ways of getting better at pronounciations. We have mixed daily expressions and idioms into the conversations so it's a side-product of the lecture that uses this material.

All in all, the spanish collaboration was very informative because it taught us how to work with people who are quite different than us. Our cultures, beliefs, educational backgrounds, ages and even timezones are different. Yet, we have managed to work on a project weekly and succesfully complete it. If you ever get the chance to be part of a project such as this one, don't hessitate even for a second. 


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