Check out Pear Deck!

 Hello everyone, second post today. We are checking out Pear Deck. Let's jump in.

Pear Deck is a free interactive presentation platform that allows for presentations to be created rapidly with drag and drop components. Teachers can create and share presentations with their students, have them interact in real time during the lecture, or simply download the file to share among themselves. Pear Deck offers an engaging way to present information quickly without a lot of effort while still making it fun. Not only do they provide a platform for fun presentations but they also offer a way for organizations to create live-streaming lessons and presentation opportunities for their members. Whether you're in education or the tech industry, Pear Deck is an interesting tool that provides a neat way of presenting information and teaching skills without stress! 

You can have your students join your presentation via a code and have them interact with you actively thanks to the platforms various features such as drag-and-drop symbols, multiple choice questions or open ended comments. It is the next evolution of presentations. Make sure to check it out yourselves. 


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